Friday, 12 April 2013

Light Control

Light Control

The light controller will basically control the lighting patterns on the boundary fences of the ride.  Based on the acceleration of the ride, the light patterns would display an acceleration effect.  This pattern will make the ride acceleration appear more rapid than it actually would be.  The pattern speed would increase as the ride accelerates and would decelerate when the ride is about to come to a stop.  In doing so, the ride would appear to be accelerating even when it is not, discouraging dangerous behavior by patron on the ride.

The light controller was built using RGB LED strips which were current driven by the WS2801 chip.  Each LED on the strip is independently addressable and therefore different patterns could be made on the display panel.  The display panel consisted of seven strips of the RGB LED strips. 

Figure 1

Figure 1 above shows an arrow display pattern that would appear around the enclosed fences of the ride.  This arrow pattern would speed up or slow down based on the speed of the ride.  If the ride was speeding up the arrow pattern would appear on the fences in a direction opposite direction of the ride.   This would simulate an exaggerated acceleration of the ride, however the ride would still be moving accelerating normally.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figures 2, 3 and 4 show a random sparkle pattern that would appear on the panel around the fences of the ride if someone were to get up.  This sparkle pattern was chosen over an actual "WARNING" sign which might give riders the impression that the ride is unsafe and that an actual sign appearing around the fences would repel potential riders from getting on board the ride.  Therefore, a random sparkle pattern is sufficient in delivering a subtle message to the operator to be on the lookout of potential patrons who are not seated while the ride is still in motion. 


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